15th BCN Sports Film Festival

Seus a Barcelona: Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport, Cinemes Girona, INEFC Barcelona, Institut Français, CC.Cotxeres de Sants, CC. Bon Pastor

From 17/02/2025 to 25/02/2025

Cinema. The festival specialising in films centred on sport presents 81 productions that you can see free of charge.

The BCN Sports Film Festival is an annual event devoted to sports films, the main goal being to highlight films, documentaries and other audiovisual productions linked to sport.

This festival centres on showing how sport can be a powerful tool for social transformation, gender equality, inclusion and diversity. Through the different screenings and activities, the festival seeks to foster the values of sport as an instrument for eduction, cooperation and solidarity, promoting an inclusive vision of sport in all its forms.

The event also offers a wide range of cultural and educational options, with conferences, debates and exhibitions that complement the film programme, turning it into a meeting point for professionals in this sector and for film and sports lovers.

See the festival programme here.

Seus a Barcelona: Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport, Cinemes Girona, INEFC Barcelona, Institut Français, CC.Cotxeres de Sants, CC. Bon Pastor


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BCN Sports Film Festival és una finestra oberta a totes les produccions audiovisuals que tenen l’esport com a tema comú. Una oportunitat per gaudir d’obres mestres de diferents gèneres i formats i, al seu torn, d’algunes òperes prevals de nous talents de tot el món. Enguany, el Centre Cívic torna a acollir una nova sessió audiovisual en aquesta 15a edició del festival.

Podeu consultar la programació aquí

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